Those of you who have been using our online shop to buy BALANCE products had to register to be able to use the shop and as the site got older this whole process became very irritating and long-winded. Sorry about that and thank you to those of you who battled through the procedure and managed to use the shop!

The new shop does not require you to register and seems a lot easier to navigate and use.

You will see that you still have the option to use a credit/debit card or use PayPal, but the card payments are now handled by Stripe.

As with anything new, we are bound to discover things that need to be corrected or updated. It is a big site now and so if you see something that doesn't seem to be working, or doesn't make sense, we would love it if you could help us, by letting us know.

Feedback is important, because ultimately, the aim of this site is to become a helpful resource of knowledge and support for any/all horse owners, riders, trainers, therapists etc who have a interest in the welfare of the ridden horse and want to use Functional and Constructive ways of saddling.

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